Lockdown London: Summer 2020 – Pt. 1.
Lockdown London: Summer 2020 – Pt. 1.
I’m going back in time for my first two blogs. Back in time to the ‘lockdown’ summer of 2020 when I drove around central London taking photos of big things from empty streets. If you’re reading this in 2120 and wondering why London is so deserted all I can say is, look at the history books! More images of Lockdown London in Part 2.

Buckingham Palace: The most famous royal palace in the world.

City Skyline: Looking across the River Thames from HMS Belfast to the City of London.

Guildhall: Spanning 600 years of architecture in one panoramic shot.

National Theatre: Like a great concrete ship run aground on the banks of the River Thames.

St James’s Park: People love this park but it can also be loved without people.

St Paul’s Cathedral: This area is usually brimming with office workers and tourists.

Tower Bridge and the Tower of London: Looking across a still River Thames from HMS Belfast.

Trafalgar Square, Nelson’s Column and National Gallery: The geographic centre of London.
Graham’s book (below): on Amazon OR signed copies can be ordered when booking tours